5 Ways to Improve a Bad Day in 15 Minutes or Less
Maybe you're just having a case of the Mondays a la Office Space, or you're having a full scale meltdown. Either way, you can turn it around. Just stop, breathe, and read this. We'll get you through it.
1. Go for a walk
If you're far gone enough that you're in danger of throwing a hissy fit or bursting into tears, do no collect $200, do not pass go—remove yourself from the situation immediately and take a walk.
Physically leaving the scene of office turmoil can work wonders for your state of mind. You'll be amazed how relieved you'll feel just remembering there's a world outside your office. And don't doubt the combined powers of sunshine and exercise: together, they're the mood boosting equivalent of the Captain Planet rings uniting. And for even better results…
2. Listen to music
Though it's probably best to avoid the really mopey Radiohead tracks, the cheering effects of music don't really depend on genre. Whether you prefer boppy or introspective songs, studies have shown that music of any kind can help remove you from an irritable, angry frame of mind to a more palatable happy-elated or soothed-contented emotional state.
3. Connect with friends or family
Studies have shown that holding a spouses hand reduces stress, and hearing your mom's voice releases the same amount of feel-good hormones as a hug. So reach out; whether it's scheduling a coffee break with your SO or ducking into the hall to call to mom, do it. Connecting with loved ones can make you feel better on a chemical level, and, perhaps more importantly, remind you that you have support outside of work.
4. Take a coffee break
Getting away from your desk is a great way to perk up anyway, but the caffeine from a trip to the coffee shop can be instantly uplifting as well. Studies have shown that a cup can immediately boost alertness and energy, beating back the blahs, and that long term, people who drink caffeinated coffee are less likely to suffer from depression.
5. Look at this post on Buzzfeed
No headphones, coffee machine, or time to take a walk? Look at this.
Feel better!
--Cathy Vandewater, Vault.com
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